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The 124th Continental Congress

                                                 June 24 - June 28, 2015, in Washington D.C.


2015 theme: "Honoring Our Heritage, Focusing on the Future, Celebrating America!"



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In 2015, our Pax Romana Chapter was represented at Continental Congress by Cara Cavanaugh (Regent 2013-2015), Candace Biamonti (Organizing Regent 2008-2011), Marti Biles (Regent 2011-2013), and Wendy Davis-Bushy.

Pax Romana Donations

The new Pax Romana charms that we commissioned are debuting as a trial run in sterling silver for our Units Overseas Bazaar table. These charms are hand-made by a Florentine trained jeweler who has donated her work to our cause.  


The finished Pax Romana charm is made from an ancient Roman coin, and we are giving to our President General in honor of DAR’s 125th Anniversary.


(Note: The silver coin may appear gold in the photos)

Featuring the Goddess Pax Romana  and Emperor Alessandro Severo (208-235 AD), the coin is from the Pitigliano Museum in Tuscany. I hope you all agree that our artist and benefactor, Julie Havener, has done a beautiful job creating our very ownPax Romana Charm.  This exact replica charm symbolizes our hope for the peace and prosperity of our Chapter, Society and Country in the next 125 years.


This year we are also donating two trays for the Silent Auction and the Junior Shoppe raffle basket. They are lovely, hand painted, in the renaissance gold leaf style. We also have small coasters to sell in the same style.


Click on a photo below to see it enlarged with a description!

Marti working at the info desk
Marti working at the info desk
Waiting for Opening Night
Dinner Before Opening Night
Dinner Before Opening Night
Dinner Before Opening Night
Ann & Wendy
Wendy and Ann
Flag Unfurled
SC Dessert
SC Dessert
SC Dessert
National Vice Chairman Luncheon
Patriotism Luncheon
Patriotism Luncheon
Patriotism Luncheon
Candy Giving Report to UO Meeting
Units Overseas Luncheon
Units Overseas Luncheon
Units Overseas Luncheon
Cara giving her Report
Some of Our Associates!
Some of Our Associates!
Some of Our Associates!
Some of Our Associates!
Dessert at Units Overseas Luncheon
Pax Romana Working the Glove Table
Pax Romana at the Glove Table
Italian Gloves
All those gloves are gone!
Celebrate America Night
Celebrate America Night
Celebrate America Night
Celebrate America Night
Celebrate America Night

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Pax Romana Chapter, NSDAR   |   NSDAR   |   Updated March 10, 2024  |   Webmaster

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